What is 3D Photogrammetry technology?
Motion Amplification is a revolutionary technology that detects subtle motion and amplifies that motion to a level visible with the naked eye. Every pixel becomes a sensor creating millions of data points in an instant.

Major benefits of our Motion Amplification technology
- Data acquisition without downtime;
- Live troubleshooting tool for your team to fix it immediately;
- Efficient and more visual alternatives to traditional ODS;
- Easy to operate and provide instant result;
- Non-contact solution;
- Efficient communication between technical and non-technical resources;

Our Motion Amplification technology offers various vibration data and visual alternatives for above ground and underwater assets condition assessment:
Faults visualisation in machinery, infrastructure and human performance can only be analysed by accelerometers, strain gauges and software in very limited ways. With our technology, true problems can be visually revealed.
Motion Amplification combines the benefits of traditional vibration analysis, phase analysis and ODS. The types of data collected has included but not limited to amplitude data of a single location. Data from each pixel in the image can be used as vibration measurement location, so instead of 10-12 measurements from traditional device, the analyst can get vibration information from millions of locations, which unlocks the potential for vibration analysis.

Spectrum Plot
Each spectrum plots vibration amplitude versus frequency. The amplitude scale will be velocity/displacement/acceleration versus frequency (Hz).

Waveform Plot
A graph of vibration amplitude versus time. The amplitude scale will be displacement in either Mils or Microns.

Orbit Plot
A graph of vibration amplitude of the X-axis waveform versus Y-axis waveform.

Motion Map
Visual display of motion locations and extent.

Phase Map
Visual display of relative phase throughout the image for a specified frequency.

Vector Map
Visual display of moving orientation of region of interest.
Contact us for further information on how Focus Technology Solutions can bring the right solution into view for you.
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Contact Information
Focus Technology Solutions
7 Lerista Court
Bibra Lake WA 6163
+61 (08) 94094391